Every time i used to create a Frame in WPF or Silverlight app i forgot how to hide the Navigation bar that appear on the top of the frame. So Everytime i need to open my previous project and need to see how i did it. Also there is not much help available on net some are asking write NavigationUIVisibility.Hidden on each page But I found a very Generic way of doing it.
Step 1.
In your Frame Tag Add the Event ContentRendered. as
<Frame Name="myFrame" ContentRendered="myFrame_ContentRendered" ></Frame>
Step 2.
In the ContentRendered event handler set the NavigationUIVisibility Hidden for each page instead on calling the same on all the pages as.
private void myFrame_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e) { myFrame.NavigationUIVisibility = System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationUIVisibility.Hidden; }
Hope it help lots of guys.
Munish Bhargav